Archive, Features

Video: Farm machinery safety tips

National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) is calling on all Australian farmers to rethink their daily activities to include safer ways of working and has created this video with tips on how to keep be safe around tractors and other farm machinery, in recognition of Farm Safety Week.

The star of the video is New South Wales broadacre farmer Peter O’Connor and is aimed at helping farmers implement a four step risk assessment process.

An incident involving a roof fall triggered a renewed safety focus on O’Connor’s 8,000ha farm.

There were 73 deaths from non-intentional injury on Australian farms in 2015, farm deaths and injuries in 2015 alone cost the agricultural sector over $250 million.

The video below is all about safety in the stock yards, where a large number of farm accidents happen.

It features farmer and vet Tom Graham, who explains how a safe cattle yard design has a dual benefit of keeping people safe and saving money by avoiding costly injury to prize cattle.

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