Ag Industry, Farming

No pain but the rain with Motion’s proactive approach

Motion supports broadacre farmers as the nation’s agricultural industry manages the maintenance season

Except for weather-related issues, there should be no issue facing the company or its customers that can’t be tackled with ease.

Motion’s National Business Development Manager for Agriculture, Russell Randal, has worked with regional growers and producers for 27 years. Much like Motion, he has an extensive knowledge of Australia’s agricultural customers’ needs.

He notes that at this point in the 2024 season, what customers need is a good drop of rain.

However, in the meantime, Motion is busy consulting with customers to manage upcoming pre-season maintenance in the hope that rain soon follows.

Russell says he and his team must use their experience to play the seasons by ear and determine how each customer can be helped.

“That’s the thing about agriculture is it varies so much from year to year, so the pain points can be different,” he says.

“We keep close with our customers. We talk to them as they’re the best people to give us a gauge of what’s going to happen.

“We do have some proactive customers who have done all their pre-season maintenance, they’ve had all their checks, and they know what they need for their equipment.”

For those proactive farmers, Motion provides valuable insights and resources for understanding how to optimise both old and new machines.

With Motion’s extensive network of parts suppliers, farmers can bring new life to tired equipment and save on significant capital expenditure.

Russell explains how Motion consults with customers to detect opportunities for improvement.

To read the full article in Motion’s new interactive magazine, please click here.

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